As a professional structure, Le Grand Café works in the region to help students or future students discover visual arts professions, the organisation of the professional sector and the ecosystem of contemporary art.
Le Grand Café offers work experience placements to art schools, universities or schools of architecture in the Pays de la Loire region and beyond. These placements take place during the installation of an exhibition and allow students to work closely with artists and the centre’s technical team in all the phases of preparation, production and installation of the artworks. Longer placements in communication, coordination, research and the off-site cultural programme can also be offered.
The art centre Le Grand Café holds occasional round tables or study days related to its programme. These discussions are key moments for students following a higher education cursus in the domain of art and culture.
These events are created in partnership with a range of higher education arts structures in the region (art schools, universities, technical colleges).
Le Grand Café holds events for young people, with the aim of allowing them to discover the behind-the-scenes activities of the art centre (such as installation and de-install of the exhibitions, documentation on the arrival and departure of the artworks), jobs in contemporary art and the different professional pathways of those who work in the field.